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Cherokee County Sheriff reminds residents to be cautious with high temps


COLUMBUS, Kan. — With afternoon heat indexes forecasted to reach 110 degrees over the next couple of days, Cherokee County Sheriff David Groves is reminding residents that dizziness, nausea, and weakness can be symptoms of heat exhaustion and confusion, throbbing headaches and unconsciousness can result from heat strokes. To help minimize these risks, consider the following safety tips:

  • Never leave a child or pet unattended in a parked vehicle
  • If working outdoors, take frequent rest breaks in the shade or air conditioning
  • Stay hydrated with water and avoid alcohol or caffeine

"Each year, on average, there are 702 heat-related deaths and 67,512 emergency visits in the United States. It's important with high temperatures to stay hydrated and take breaks, even if you don't feel thirsty. This is also a great opportunity to check on elderly family and neighbors, just to make sure they are keeping cool," said Groves.

"Additionally, 142 young children have died in hot vehicles in the United States since 2019, including eight already this year. The temperatures today and tomorrow are expected to be around 100° which means the inside temperature of a car would be 119° after ten minutes and 134° after thirty minutes," concluded Sheriff Groves.