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KC Fed to host 2022 Agricultural Symposium in late May


PITTSBURG, Kan. — The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City will host its 2022 Agricultural Symposium, “Help Wanted in Agriculture,” on May 23 and 24. 

“Agricultural production has expanded dramatically during the past two decades due, in large part, to innovative and opportunistic solutions to challenges large and small,” according to information about the 2022 Agricultural Symposium on the KC Fed website. 

“Technological advancements in agriculture reflect a problem-solving mindset as innovation has alleviated pressure points or expanded opportunities. As in the past, agricultural enterprises continue to require innovative solutions to new and existing problems. At the same time, however, many businesses have also been facing intensifying labor shortages that have inhibited existing operations and growth. Help wanted signs abound – not just to work in agriculture – but, more broadly, to solve problems and advance the industry.” 

The “Help Wanted in Agriculture” symposium “will explore the role of labor in determining the long-term outlook for agriculture and related businesses, how policies will shape that outlook, and the potential for structural change,” according to the KC Fed. “On the first day of the symposium, speakers will discuss how issues connected to labor will affect long-term agricultural production prospects and efficient supply chains. On the second day of the symposium, speakers will discuss how existing and emerging policies affect the decisions of agricultural businesses, and how the structure of the industry may evolve in the future alongside changes in workforce trends.” 

Esther L. George, president and CEO of the KC Fed, will deliver the keynote speech of the symposium on Monday, May 23. Other speakers and panelists at the event will include Diane Charlton, assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics at Montana State University, Chuck Conner, president and CEO of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, Daniel Costa, director of immigration law and policy research at the Economic Policy Institute, and Roger Cryan, chief economist at the American Farm Bureau Federation, among others. 

The symposium will be broken up into four sessions, “Farm Labor,” “Labor in the Ag Supply Chain,” “The Role of Policy,” and “Labor and Structural Change.” Visit https://www.kansascityfed.org/agriculture/agricultural-symposium/2022-agricultural-symposium-help-wanted-in-agriculture/ for more information about the “Help Wanted in Agriculture” symposium.