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Public meeting on lead and copper rule revisions set for Oct. 12 in Chanute


CHANUTE, Kan. — The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has announced it will hold a series of public meetings, including one in Chanute, to help communities and public water supply systems learn about the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR).  

Under the LCRR, public water supply systems are required to prepare and maintain and inventory of service line materials. This inventory is to be submitted to KDHE by Oct. 16, 2024. 

Public water supply system decision-makers, operators, and the public are encouraged to attend to learn more about the inventory requirements and actions that can be taken to reduce lead exposure risks in drinking water. Piping containing lead can become a potential health risk in drinking water.  

Some homes (typically built before 1988) may have lead service lines that connect to the public water supply system. Young children, infants and fetuses are particularly vulnerable to lead in drinking water and water used for formula because the physical and behavioral effects of lead occur at lower exposure levels in children. 

KDHE staff will review topics including development of lead service line inventories, public water supply system responsibilities, water system customer cooperation, lead exposure health risks from drinking water, and funding information for lead service line replacement. 

The meeting in Chanute is scheduled for 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12, at Chanute Memorial Auditorium, 101 S. Lincoln Ave., Chanute. Other meetings will be Oct. 3 in Salina, Oct. 4 in Wichita, and Oct. 11 in Topeka. 

Individuals needing accommodations should contact KDHE at least five business days before the meeting by phone at 785-296-5514, fax 785-559-4258 or TTY 711. For more information about KDHE’s Lead Service Line Inventory requirements, visit KDHE.KS.gov/LCRR.