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Editorial Roundup: Kansas


Topeka Capital-Journal. April 26, 2024.

Editorial: With Jake LaTurner leaving U.S. Congress, others must step up. Kansans deserve choices.

Jake LaTurner announced he won’t seek reelection for his U.S. Congressional seat. That leaves less than two months for candidates to file and fill the void.

We’d like to thank Rep. LaTurner for his years of public service. It takes intestinal fortitude and courage to run for public office, and we appreciate those who put their name forward to serve their fellow citizens. We hope you find a new way to serve Kansans in your life outside of Congress.

In the meantime, we hope you can finish out your term by rising above party politics. Vote your district and support our state.

The Topeka Capital-Journal’s Jason Alatidd reports that LaTurner’s decision leaves precious little time for potential candidates to consider running, seek endorsement and raise money from donors. After all, it’s easier to run as an incumbent, and many Republicans were loathe to challenge LaTurner in a primary. Democrats also don’t have a candidate lined up.

We’d like to see some choices on the ballot. We hope Republicans and Democrats alike will put some names into the hat. Kansans deserve choices when voting for their leaders.

Although many were surprised by LaTurner’s announcement, we think the time might be right for a rising star or dark horse to step into the race.

The U.S. House has accomplished little in recent years, with members worried more about showboating than passing substantive legislation designed to help their fellow Americans. We hope the winning candidate from Kansas will stand out by demonstrating decorum and strong principles rather than being a distraction as some recent additions to Congress have been.

We need leaders in Washington who put people over party politics, who look out for Kansas and its interests. Leaders who are willing to say what’s truthful even when it might not be popular. We need a representative who believes in bipartisanship.

Plenty of names are being tossed around at the moment. We’re sure some of them are up to task.

And we ask any candidate who does enter the race, to please do so with an open mind and a heart for public service. Kansas will need you to be a leader for everyone in this district, not just those who voted for you.