PITTSBURG, Kan. — SEK Freedom, a local group formed during the COVID-19 pandemic and “Dedicated to protecting the freedom and rights of the individual in Southeast Kansas,” according to its Facebook page, is urging supporters to write to legislators in favor of a new bill in the Kansas Senate.
“SB 20 in the Kansas Senate would require employers, schools and daycares to obey US Supreme Court rulings and accept all religious exemptions on vaccines. It is in the Kansas Senate Committee on Public Health and Welfare where it is going to die without a vote unless you act now!” SEK Freedom said in an email blast Thursday.
If nothing happens by next Tuesday, Feb. 21, the bill will be dead and adults and children will have little protection against future vaccine mandates, according to SEK Freedom.
“It’s very important that this passes because the CDC just added the Covid vaccine to the list of ‘recommended’ vaccines for school kids. We cannot trust the CDC or KDHE to leave it as a voluntary vaccine after everything we’ve seen done during the Covid era. This bill needs passed to make sure children cannot be forced to take the Covid vaccine against their or their parent’s wishes just to attend school!” according to the SEK Freedom email.
The email also includes a list of state senators to contact, including Senate President Ty Masterson, Senate Majority Leader Larry Alley, Committee Chair Beverly Gossage, Committee Vice-chair Renee Erickson, Sen. Pat Pettey, Sen. Molly Baumgardner, Sen. Chase Blasi, Sen. Cindy Holscher, Sen. Kristen O'Shea, Sen. Mark Steffen and Sen. Mike Thompson.
“Refusing to let this bill come to a vote is not acceptable,” the email states. “Please be polite but firm. Some of the senators listed are on our side and we need more to vote with us. Please contact them all.”