Thieves try to steal undersheriff's car at fairgrounds
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Excerpted stories in Crawford County newspaper archives 100 Years Ago April 5, 1923 The members of the citizenship class will receive their diplomas tonight at Franklin. A program has been arranged …
Compiled by Phil Burgert
For, lo, the winter is past
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The signs of Spring have shown themselves for some time now — grass turning green, rabbits frolicking across the front yard, and a choir of birds singing as dawn breaks on my morning walks — …
By Carol Ann Robb / Adult Services Librarian, Pittsburg Public Library
Of Chisels and Men
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They say that iron sharpens iron. If you get nothing else from this, stick that in your pocket and keep it. I sharpened my chisels last night. This is not a sentence that I ever thought I’d write, …
By Bobby Neal Winters
Area Events
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Wednesday, April 5 Story Time at the Library The Pittsburg Public Library invites kids and families to the library at 10 a.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays for a story time. The program is free and no …
Carona Gun Club defeated Scammon Gun Club on Sunday
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Excerpted stories in Crawford County newspaper archives100 Years AgoApril 4, 1923Two unmasked bandits entered the Bank of Waco shortly after 10 o’clock this morning and after locking Warren E. …
Compiled by Phil Burgert
A trip through Northeast Kansas
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Well, spring has officially sprung, although sometimes the temperatures don’t really reflect it. That also means some are getting ‘itchy feet” shall we say and looking for a little get-away. …
By Lois Carlson
Mulberry superintendent P.T. Brosanhan arrested after pulling a gun on Dr. Allen Sandidge
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Excerpted stories in Crawford County newspaper archives
Compiled by Phil Burgert / [email protected]
70 quarts of home brew, 75 gallons of raisin wine found during two booze raids
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Excerpted stories in Crawford County newspaper archives
Compiled by Phil Burgert / [email protected]
The Cold War comes to Pittsburg, Pt. 1
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What follows is the first of two parts of a story by former Pittsburg resident, Jim Gore, about the Cold War arriving at 1805 South Broadway, in Pittsburg. — J.T.K.
By J.T. Knoll / [email protected]
25 to 30 gallon still located north of Galena, police unable to locate owner
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Excerpted stories in Crawford County newspaper archives
Compiled by Phil Burgert / [email protected]
Reading up a storm
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I’m a weather junkie. More often than not, I’m checking out the Weather Channel to see if there’s any precipitation coming this way and if the temperature is above freezing — important if you plan to walk before the sun comes up — or to see what the forecast is for the rest of the week, knowing full well it can change at any moment. Nature is fickle and fascinating and deserves our respect. Storms are fascinating to watch on screen, less so in person. I’ve not seen a tornado in person, nor do I care to, and I watch in awe at the destruction they can wreak.
By Carol Ann Robb / Pittsburg Public Library
100 years ago, Colonial theater became the brightest spot on Broadway with new electric lights
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Excerpted stories in Crawford County newspaper archives
Compiled by Phil Burgert / [email protected]
Holi: Festival of Colors
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Treasure's the attic
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Even though it doesn’t feel like it, according to the calendar, Spring has officially arrived. Often, thoughts turn to “spring cleaning” when spring arrives and from the amount of items coming into the thrift stores, it is apparent that the annual spring cleaning ritual has begun.
By Lois Carlson / [email protected]
Nearly 1,200 city and school district voters signed petitions to recall school board members
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Excerpted stories in Crawford County newspaper archives
Compiled by Phil Burgert / [email protected]
Cockerill high school girls’ basketball team closed successful season, defeated every team in SEK
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Excerpted stories in Crawford County newspaper archives
Compiled by Phil Burgert / [email protected]
Pittsburg Wholesale Grocery Co. lost $28.63 to bad check artist apprehended in Joplin
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Excerpted stories in Crawford County newspaper archives
Compiled by Phil Burgert / [email protected]
Sperry-Galligar Audubon Program
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The Sperry-Galligar Audubon meeting will be held on March 30, in Room 102 of Yate’s Hall, 1702 S. Joplin Street, on the Pittsburg State campus, beginning a 7 p.m.
Staff Reports / [email protected]
Cane poles, trot lines, snapping turtles and seines, Pt. 2
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This is the second excerpt from Arma native Frank Jeler Jr.’s memories of fishing in S.E. Kansas. — J.T.K
By J.T. Knoll / [email protected]
Site of the proposed new high school picked for the Pittsburg Unified District 50 years ago
Exclusive subscriber content
Excerpted stories in Crawford County newspaper archives
Compiled by Phil Burgert / [email protected]