SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – A Seneca, Missouri man has been indicted by a federal grand jury for ille-gally possessing methamphetamine and a firearm.
Jason Daniel Gibson, 40, was charged in a two-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury on Aug. 29.
The federal indictment alleges that Gibson possessed methamphetamine with the intent to distribute on Sept. 9, 2022. The indictment also charges Gibson with being a felon in posses-sion of a firearm. Gibson allegedly possessed a Henry Repeating Arms .22-caliber rifle on Sept. 9, 2022. Under federal law, it is illegal for anyone who has been convicted of a felony to be in possession of any firearm or ammunition.
The charges contained in this indictment are simply accusations, and not evidence of guilt. Evi-dence supporting the charges must be presented to a federal trial jury, whose duty is to deter-mine guilt or innocence.
This case is being prosecuted by Special Assistant U.S. Attorney John D. Hatcher. It was investi-gated by the Ozark Drug Enforcement Team; the Newton County, Missouri Sheriff’s Depart-ment; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; and the Missouri State High-way Patrol.
This case is part of Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), a program bringing together all levels of law enforcement and the communities they serve to reduce violent crime and gun violence, and to make neighborhoods safer for everyone.
On May 26, 2021, the Department launched a violent crime reduction strategy strengthening PSN based on these core principles: fostering trust and legitimacy in communities, supporting community-based organizations that help prevent violence from occurring in the first place, setting focused and strategic enforcement priorities, and measuring the results.