PITTSBURG, Kan. — A Community Fair will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 22 on the Oval at Pittsburg State University. The PSU Community Fair is planned as a free tabling event where businesses and organizations can connect with students.
Those businesses and organizations that attend the event are encouraged to have sign-up sheets, fliers, brochures, giveaways and discounts; however, no money may be exchanged. Tables at the Community Fair are for promotional use only and vendors are not allowed to make a sale on-site.
Event organizers are also advising the following:
Anyone who plans to have a table set up at the Community Fair must have a registration form on file.
There will be one table and two chairs available for each registration.
Set-up time is from 10:30-11:15 a.m.
Tables are not pre-assigned.
Electricity is available on a minimal basis and must be pre-approved.
Bring at least two people. This helps with un/loading and allows someone to sit at the table while the other person parks the car.
Shade is very limited; consider bringing a pop-up tent or something for shade with you.
Registration forms can be found online at https://pittstate.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/596761. Registration will close at noon on Wednesday, Aug. 16. No late forms will be accepted.
Also returning this year, Career Services will offer a Part-Time Job Fair following the Community Fair to allow employers to connect with Pitt State students for part-time or temporary positions. There is a separate registration form located at https://reg.learningstream.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0009-0020-1b97c197e7524fa393997eefa83abf18.
Spots are limited.
There is no rain site. If inclement weather is bad enough to force cancellation, those registered will be notified and the event will be rescheduled for Thursday, Aug. 24.
The PSU campus is tobacco-free. No smoking, vaping, chewing, etc., will be allowed anywhere on the PSU premises.