PITTSBURG, Kan. — The Mineral High School Alumni Reunion Committee recently announced another “All-School Reunion” set for Sept. 1 - 3. The meeting and banquet will be held at the Lamplighter Inn, 4020 Parkview Drive, in Pittsburg.
There will be a reception at Big Brutus from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 1. All activities Saturday will be at the Lamplighter Inn. Registration will begin at 3 p.m. with snacks and drinks available. The banquet will begin at 5:30 p.m. and a brief business meeting will follow.
On Sunday, Sept. 3, a covered dish dinner and picnic will be held at Big Brutus. Those living in the area are asked to bring two covered dishes. Meat, drinks, plates and utensils will be furnished. The picnic will begin promptly at 1 p.m.
The charge will be $25 per person and will cover all activities during the weekend, including rental at Big Brutus and the Lamplighter rental. Attendees are asked to send their registration and payment as soon as possible to assist the Reunion Committee in ordering the correct number of meals and other supplies.
Lamplighter Inn is offering a special room rate of $70. Attendees must tell motel staff that they are with the West Mineral All-School Reunion when making reservations. Because “Little Balkans Day” is scheduled in Pittsburg for the same weekend, attendees are encouraged to make reservations early.
Anyone who knows of an alumnus who didn’t receive an invitation is urged to contact the committee’s secretary Larry Coltrane by phone at 620-230-0066 or 620-423-6604, or by email at [email protected].
The committee — which is completely voluntary — consists of Bobby and Karen Thomas, both Class of ‘62; Larry Coltrane, Class of ‘62; Linda Coltrane, Class of ‘63; Kenny White, Class of ‘60; Marilyn White; Jim Hodgson, Class of ‘60; Patty Hodgson; Beverly Rauniker, Class of ‘67; Dixie Perry, Class of ‘65; and Dayna Ray.